“Shadow”: Two dancers move to thundering synth waves and Raspberry Pi-generated lighting in this story of a fateful meeting. Created at Maelstrom’s Bricolage in Spring of 2023 by Kristal Mills and Phoenix Vizva’i
Elsewhere is an experimental film created by Kristal Mills and Cassie Harner during their residency at Elsewhere Museum in the Fall of 2022.
“Wonderlanding” is a black light macabre adaptation of Alice in Wonderland created by Cassie Harner, Emily Liptow and Kristal Mills in January 2022.
“I’m Just Playing” is a microplay about a little girl playing with her Barbie Doll. Created by Kristal Mills and Cassie Harner for Activate with Maelstrom Collaborative Arts in Cleveland, Ohio in Spring of 2021.
“Flavor Zone”: A Top Gun volleyball scene parody created by Adam Keck and Kristal Mills. Featuring a Flavor Zone jingle written by Alex Martz and Kristal Mills. This was released Summer of 2020.
“Dante’s Inferno: The 8th Circle of Hell”: This short performance directed by Marcia Custer features five of the ten ditches of Fraud. Created in the Fall of 2019 by Marcia Custer, Cassie Harner, Elaine Hullihen, Janine Jones, Christine Lewis, Varsha Vydyula and Kristal Mills.